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Recruitment open for new pathway group chair

RM Partners runs a number of pathway groups assembled from healthcare professionals across west London that meet to share experience, best practice...
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Piloting a new streamlined pathway for prostate cancer

RM Partners is piloting a new prostate cancer pathway at three hospitals across west London – Charing Cross Hospital, Epsom Hospital and St...
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Recruitment of new palliative care group chair or co-chairs

RM Partners is recruiting a new chair for the Palliative Care Group, and a number of people have expressed interest in undertaking this role as a job...
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New research fellowships available for 2018/19

A new 12-month programme of London-based research fellowships is being launched by the three Cancer Alliances across London for 2018/19. With...
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Sharing achievements and showcasing projects 

Our recent stakeholder event on 25 January provided an opportunity to share our key achievements, showcase specific examples of our work, and gain an...
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New colorectal pathway GP video

RM Partners has created a video to help GPs better understand the new colorectal diagnostic pathway being rolled out across west London and how to...
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Recruitment open for chair of RM Partners Palliative Care Group

RM Partners is recruiting a new chair for the Palliative Care Group. This is an exciting opportunity to influence the quality and equity of...
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Information films guide patients through blood disorder tests

The Cancer Vanguard has produced six patient information films on the most common tests and procedures used to diagnose haematological disorders....
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Syringe pump community charts now updated

The RM Partners Palliative Care Group has overseen the production of revised syringe pump documentation for use in the community with palliative...
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Recruitment open for research roles

RM Partners is undertaking a research study to examine the effectiveness of using a faecal immunochemical (FIT) test in ruling out bowel cancer, and...
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