AHP and Cancer Nurse Workforce Conference Resources
The RM Partners AHP and Cancer Nurse Workforce conference on 8 March 2024 was designed to support a better understanding of health inequalities experienced by our patients. It also provided tools and knowledge for healthcare professionals to utilise to reduce these health inequalities.
The resources on this page include videos and slides from the conference presentations, plus additional materials and links to more information that people might find helpful.
Video presentation by Lee Dibben, Education Officer, OUTpatients, and Stewart O’Callaghan, Founder and CEO, OUTpatients, the UK’s only LGBTIQ+ cancer charity
Video presentation by Dr Emma Hainsworth, Nurse Researcher, Applied Health Research Group, The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust
Video presentation by Sharon-Ann Phillips, author
Video presentation by Naman Julka-Anderson, Allied Health Professional Clinical Advisor, Macmillan Cancer Support and Jo McNamara, Senior Lecturer, Co-founder and co-host, Rad Chat, hosting World Cafe.
Video presentation by Susan Sinclair, Managing Director, RM Partners, Hope Sayaka-Lines, Assistant Information Manager, RM Partners, with Sadia Begum, Head of Informatics, RM Partners, hosting World Café
Hosted at the World Café by Evelyn Cecil, CEO and Head of Adult Mental Health Services, Mind in Hillingdon
Hosted at the World Café by Lesley Howells, Consultant Clinical Psychologist and Maggie’s Lead Psychologist and Victoria Curran, Centre Head, Maggie’s Barts – London
Hosted at the World Café by Dr Caroline Leek, Founder and Director, Fruit Fly Collective
Video presentation by Professor Rosie Campbell, Global institute for Women’s Leadership, King’s College London
Video presentation by Claire Taylor, Chief Nursing Officer, Macmillan Cancer Support and June Davis, Lead Allied Health Professional and Nursing Advisor, Macmillan Cancer Support
Video presented by Sandra Dyer, Primary Care Lead Nurse, TCST and Nikki Macfarlane, Lead Nurse Enhanced Supportive Care Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Trust, Southwark Healthy Populations Primary Care Cancer Facilitator SE London ICS
Video presented by Kath Malhotra, Personalised Care Clinical Lead, RM Partners