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New guidance for managing CIPN symptoms

RM Partners has produced new treatment guidance for healthcare professionals on managing symptoms of chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy...
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RM Partners finalists for HSJ system leadership award

RM Partners, the pioneering cancer alliance for west London hosted by The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust, has been shortlisted for the...
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Pan-London fellowships to improve cancer care

Six researchers have been awarded pan-London cancer research fellowships to improve cancer care and experience. The fellowships for 2019/20 are...
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Helping patients through the RAPID prostate pathway

Wlodek Mulkowski is a pathway coordinator for the award-winning RAPID prostate cancer diagnostic pathway at Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals...
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Free ‘Highlights of ASCO’ education event

The RM Partners Medicines Optimisation group is hosting another in its series of successful pan-London education evenings on Wednesday 26 June, with...
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Pioneering software set to improve NHS imaging services across north west London

RM Partners is helping fund a new network to improve imaging services - including x-ray, MRI and CT scans - to enable better care for cancer patients...
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Sharing learning about personalised cancer care

Personalised cancer care aims to ensure that every patient is treated as an individual, based on ‘what matters’ to them and their individual...
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Patient Advisory Group recruiting new members

Would you like to help us improve cancer care across west London? We are looking for individuals with experience of cancer services in west London to...
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Running a national research trial

Carlene Parchment, trial manager for the RM Partners FIT study for bowel cancer, talks about her work. Knowing that bowel cancer is the third...
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Pan London Cancer Research Fellowships Available for 2019/20

There is an exciting opportunity for medical and non-medical research fellows to undertake a patient-based and clinically relevant research project....
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