New grant programme for cancer awareness activities
09 May 2024
Would you like to run an event or activity to help increase cancer awareness in your local community? If so, funding is available.
RM Partners is launching a grant programme offering up to £500 to local community and voluntary groups to hold activities and events that support local people to stay healthy and well.
This programme is part of our plan to reduce the time it takes from when a person first notices a cancer sign or symptom to the time they see their GP.
We will be offering a maximum of £500 to 80 local community and voluntary groups across North West and South West London to host events or activities for their local communities.
The funding can be used to help cover costs of an activity you may have already planned for this summer. Alternatively, you could plan a new event or activity. We are open to ideas about different types of events or activities.
In order for us to offer funding, the event or activity will need to provide an opportunity to share information about cancer as well as signposting to local cancer services.
* Please note: submissions for this programme have now closed.
For more information
More information can be found below and in the Guidance for applicants.
If you are based in North West London and need more information, please contact
If you are based in South West London and need more information, please contact
We are prioritising applications which reach a diverse range of communities across North West and South West London. This includes:
- People aged 55 and above
- African, Bangladeshi, Caribbean, Chinese, Korean, Pakistani, Somali and Sri Lankan communities
- People living in areas experiencing poorer access to healthcare
- Specific groups experiencing poorer access to healthcare or from at-risk populations, such as older adults, those living in areas of deprivation, ethnic minority communities and people with disabilities
The closing date for applications is 31 May 2024, 11pm. All events must be completed between 15 July 2024 to 30 September 2024.
We will provide a range of material and resources you can share during your event or activity.
You will need to let us know how you plan to share information and resources during your event. For example, if it’s a coffee morning or exercise class, holding a talk about cancer symptoms and the importance of cancer screening, and signposting to local services, might be appropriate. If it’s an art and crafts activity, you may want to speak to individuals on a one-to-basis.
We would also like you to collect feedback and information from the people at your event, so please consider this when planning your activity/event. We will be asking you to capture this information using this form.
- All the resources you might need, including material available in multiple formats such as translations and easy read
- Training on cancer awareness key messages. This training session is due to take place on 2 July (10am-12pm or 2-4pm). Please hold this date in your diary for one of these sessions
- Social media templates to help promote your event
- Evaluation and insight templates to support you in capturing the key themes emerging form your event/activities