Campaign encouraging bowel screening in London
20 Oct 2023
The NHS is running a campaign until early December to encourage Londoners who have been sent an NHS bowel cancer screening kit to complete the test.
Even if you don’t have symptoms, it can detect signs of cancer before you do.
Bowel cancer is the fourth most common cancer in the UK, and detecting it at the earliest stage makes you up to 9 times more likely to be successfully treated.
If you’re aged 56 to 74, live in London and registered with a GP practice, you’ll be sent a kit in the post automatically, every two years. The NHS bowel cancer screening kit will be available to everyone aged 50 to 74 by 2025.
The kit is simple to complete and can be done in the privacy of your own bathroom using the step-by-step instructions on the box.
So, if you’re sent a kit, join the millions completing theirs this year. Put it by the loo. Don’t put it off. Your next poo could save your life.
For more information visit