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National cancer patient experience survey results available

NHS England has published the 2023 National Cancer Patient Experience Survey (NCPES) results, which provide a snapshot of the experience of care of people with cancer.

Patient experience of care is incredibly important to the NHS, and it’s a testament to the hard-working NHS staff that patients have on average given 8.89 out of 10 for overall experience.

The NHS Cancer Programme uses the results to inform the focus of the Cancer Experience of Care Improvement Collaborative (CIC), which provides a national framework to support healthcare systems in their improvement work.

These valuable insights will form a basis of meaningful changes to services so that the NHS can continue to improve on and provide a high level of patient care.

The NCPES has been carried out annually since 2010, generating data and insight into the experiences people have of cancer care in England.

For more information and to see the results, please go to National Cancer Patient Experience Survey website.